It’s been a bit quiet around here recently…

It probably hasn’t escaped your attention that things have been a bit quiet around here recently. The Vuelta has been an incredibly exciting race with plenty of talking points, and yet I haven’t managed to write any pieces about it.

The main reason for this is that my girlfriend has recently moved to France for a year as part of her university course, and I have gone with her for a couple of weeks, meaning much of my time has been spent helping her settle in.

However, I have also been seeking opportunities to write elsewhere. This year will be my final year at university, so I have decided to make an effort to contribute towards the student newspaper, The Boar. My first piece, on the UCI presidential election, can be found here.

I’m also seeking opportunities to write for other publications as I try to build a decent portfolio over the coming months before attempting to embark on a career in cycling journalism after completing my degree. So if my work appears elsewhere, I’ll be sure to point you in its direction on the blog.

But rest assured normal service will be resumed soon, probably in the wake of the world championships next week.

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