No Rest For The Wicked

Winter miles equal summer smiles
My last post was about the joys of riding over the festive period with the empty roads and general escape from the frantic turkey preparations (and maybe the in-laws) at home. It was therefore of great interest when I came across a press release from Lampre detailing what a few of their riders were doing over Christmas and New Year to get themselves in shape for the fast approaching season. 
   24th Dec    25th Dec    26th Dec    31st Dec    1st Jan
Michele Scarponi    Ride    Rest    Ride    Ride    Ride
Damiano Cunego    Ride    Rest    Ride    4 hours    4 hours
Alessandro Petacchi    Ride    Ride    Ride    Ride    Easy Ride
Davide Viganò     Ride    Ride    Ride    Ride    Easy Ride
Manuele Mori    Ride    2.5 hours    5 hours    5 hours    1.5 hours
Diego Ulissi    Ride    Rest    Ride    Ride    Ride
Przemysław Niemiec    Ride    Rest    Ride    Ride    Rest

Now although this may not be a revelation of the training schedule of the professional cyclist, it does at least demonstrate how training must take priority over even the most important celebrations of the year. This is especially the case with Petacchi, Viganò and Mori, who will all be riding in the Tour Down Under. Miles instead of mince pies (or the Italian equivalent) were therefore the order of the day in order to get in shape for the first race of the season. After all this is a World Tour race with plenty of UCI points on offer and Lampre will be as keen as ever to get their season off to a solid start.

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