Merry Christmas

I’m off to visit family over Christmas (as well as my first race of the season on Christmas Eve!) so I’m going to take this opportunity to wish everyone Merry Christmas.

This is a great time of year for the cycling to be put on the back-burner for a couple of days and for us all to indulge ourselves and enjoy (or not) spending this very special time of year with family.

However if you that sounds too unbearable to you the next few days are some of the best of the year to get out on the bike, especially if you’re in the southern hemisphere. So if you can get yourself out of bed at the crack of dawn for an hour or two on the big day, I guarantee you will enjoy it. Empty roads and a great ride will await you.

For those who wish to power through with their training, Rapha is running the Festive 500 – Ride to Redemption. All you have to do is ride 500km between 23rd-31st December and email Rapha ( with proof of performance and photos from your rides. The best entries will win some special prizes. Even if you’re not entering, it’s worth having a look at some of the beautiful photos from last year.

Finally take a look at this video from Team Sky to all their fans. I guarantee it’ll bring a smile to your face.

Merry Christmas and Happy Riding

Student Cyclist

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